The Game of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial board game that introduces the four cash flow quadrants in a fun, competitive way. Players will see firsthand the process of growing from employee to investor, a process that both the participant and family can both learn and enjoy together.

Game Includes
Contents Include:
WERKMoney: (70 $1, 42 $5, 21 $10, 42 $20, 21 $50, 42 $100, 21 $500)
2 Dice
8 Avatars
26 Business Formations
22 inventory tokens
40 employees
16 managers​
Get Ready To WERK!
Before you begin:
1: Choose someone to be the financial advisor, this can be a non player or active player who will be in charge of:
The WERKMoney
Employee & business manager disbursement
Business Formation transactions including auctions.
2: The Financial Advisor gives each player:
$1= 10
$5 = 4
$10 = 2
$20 = 5
$50 = 1
$100 = 3
$500 = 1
Total = $1,000
The Financial Advisor keeps remaining money as reserve to manage throughout the game.
3: Each player chooses an avatar and places it on Let’s WERK!
4: Put the dice by the game board

How to play?
Beginner Rules
Move around the board buying as many Businesses as you can. The more you own, the more profit you will be able to collect from other players. Set the timer for 1 hour, The player with the most assets, meaning money and business value (purchase price calculated from all business you own and cash value = Total asset) If you are the player with the most assets you WIN!
Who starts the game?
Each player rolls the dice. The highest roller starts, and it continues to the left.
On your turn
Roll both dice
Move the avatars clockwise of the rolled number of spaces. Remember collect $500 every time you pass "LET"S WERK"
What did you land on? Follow the rules of that board space. Read the board space for instructions.(If you roll double you can roll again to take another turn. If you roll doubles 3 times you must immediately go to WERK Bonus and collect the appropriate amount provided on the space.
Your turn ends. Pass the dice to the next player
Reminder: pay attention to who stops on your business, they will have to pay you the profit price on the back of the card or the donation amount on the back of the non profit cards.
Expenses & Bonus Spaces:
Let’s WERK: When you pass or land on “Let’s WERK” space, collect $500 from your financial advisor
Action Spaces: Immediately do what the space says.
Pay Taxes: Pay the financial advisor the amount listed on the board. (Pay $250)
WERK bonuses: Get a money bonus as an employee, self employed, business manager, or investor from the financial advisor when you land on this space. Check the board to see amount (collect $200)
Expenses: Home and Business Expenses are due, pay the advisor the amount listed on the board ($200)
Get to WERK!
That’s all you need to know, so get started! You can look up the spaces as you land on them.
(Once you get the hang of it and you are looking for a more in-depth business adventure, move to the advance instructions below!)
How to play?
Advanced Rules
Move around the board buying as many Businesses as you can. The more you own, the more profit you will be able to collect from other player. If you are the last player with money when all other players have gone bankrupt, you Win!
Who starts the game?
Each player rolls the dice. The highest roller starts, and it continues to the left.
On your turn
Roll both dice
move the avatars clockwise of the rolled number of spaces.
What did you land on? Follow the rules of that board space. Read the board space for instructions.(If you roll double you can roll again to take another turn. If you roll doubles 3 times you must immediately go to WERK Bonus and collect the appropriate amount provided on the space.
Your turn ends. Pass the dice to the next player
Get to WERK!
That’s all you need to know, so get started.
Look up the spaces as you land on them.
Game Board Spaces
Business Formations:
There are two types of businesses: For profit which comes in color sets, and non profits.
Unowned Businesses
When you land on an unowned business you must buy it or leave it.
Want to buy it? Pay the price on the board space and take the business formation from the financial advisor
Don’t want to buy it? Business will remain open for purchase to the next player who lands on the business.
Collect Business Color Sets
When you own each business in the color set:
You can increase your profit power
You can hire employee and business managers to gain large amounts of profit! See HIRES.
You can not collect any funds from a player that lands in your business if you do not have the inventory token on your business. No inventory = no sells = no profit. You must always reinvest into inventory in order to keep your business ready with essential needs to sell to the customer who lands on your business.
When a player lands on a active business, the player who lands on the business must remove the inventory token, once compensation for landing on the business is paid. At that time the business owner can reinvest in a inventory token to keep business running by re-purchasing a inventory token at the cost provided on the business spot on the board.
If business owner decides to pass on re-purchasing a token, they will not be able to purchase token until their next turn to roll. No inventory results in no compensation from a player landing on your business.
If financial advisor is conducting a transaction next player must roll after the financial advisor is done with the transaction before re-purchasing a inventory token
Owned Businesses
When you land on a business someone else owns, the owner must ask you for the amount provided as profit for your re-purchase. If the business has a inventory token available on his business. If they do you must pay. If they don’t ask for funds before the next player rolls the dice, you don’t have to pay the purchase amount of what’s owed.
For Profits: Pay the purchase amounts shown on the business formation
Non Profits: Give a Donation based on the number of Non Profits the owner has.​
Expenses & Bonus Spaces:
Let’s WERK: When you pass or land on “Let’s WERK” space, collect $500 from your financial advisor
Action Spaces: Immediately do what the space says.
Pay Taxes: Pay the financial advisor the amount listed on the board. (Pay $250)
WERK bonuses: Get a money bonus as an employee, self employed, business manager, or investor from the financial advisor when you land on this space. Check the board to see amount (collect $200)
Expenses: Home and Business Expenses are due, pay the advisor the amount listed on the board ($200)
Business Staff:
As soon as you get a color set, you can start hiring staff (you don’t have to wait for your turn). Pay the financial advisor the cost on the business card, and place a worker on your business or choice under the color set you own. You must hire evenly. You cannot hire a second worker on a single business until you have hired one for each business of the color set. You can only have 4 workers on the a business.
Business Manager:
Once you have 4 workers on all businesses in a color set, you can pay to upgrade to a business manager. Pay the manager cost on the business card, return all 4 workers to the financial advisor and put a manager on the business. You can only have 1 business manager per business. You can’t add any more workers. You cannot hire for a business if any street in its color set is out of business.
Not enough Staff?
If multiple players want to hire the last worker or manager, the advisor must auction it. Bids start at $50 and anyone can increase the bid by as little as $1. You don’t need to follow turn order. Payment goes to the financial advisor.
No Staff left?
You can’t hire anyone until someone sells theirs back.
Deals & Trades:
You can buy, sell or swap businesses with other players at any time. You must sell staff on a color set back to the financial advisor before you can sell or trade a business. You cannot sell or trade staff to another player. Business can be traded for cash, and or other businesses. The amount is decided by the players making the deal. Bankrupt businesses can be traded at any agreed-upon price. The new owner must immediately pay the business cancellation cost to the financial advisor, or keep it closed and pay the advisor 10% of the business value now.
Uhh Ohh! I’m Out of Money!
Try to raise money:
If you owe money and can’t pay, try to raise money by selling staff back to the advisors and or close the business.
Layoff Staff:
Sell your manager to the advisor for half the cost price and exchange it immediately for 4 workers. Sell workers back to the advisors for half the cost price. Workers must be sold evenly across the business color set.
Bankrupt Businesses:
To bankrupt a business, you must first sell all staff in its color set to the advisor at half their cost price.
To bankrupt, turn the business formation facedown, and collect the business value on the back from the advisor.
To cancel a bankruptcy, pay the cancellation cost to the advisor (mortgage value + 10%) then, turn the card face.
Profit cannot be collected on businesses that are bankrupt. However, the increased profit level can be collected on the open businesses in the color set. The increased profit on the open non profits may be collected in the same way.
If you still can’t pay your debt, you are bankrupt and out of the game?
Do you still owe another player? Give them all your bankrupt properties.
The new owner must immediately pay the business cancellation cost to the financial advisor or keep it closed and pay the advisor 10% of the business value now.
Do you owe the bank?
Return all your properties to the bank. Any businesses are cancelled. All the business will be back on the market for purchase or auction.
The remaining players keep playing until there is only one person left in the game. THAT PLAYER IS THE WINNER!
Employee: Every starts off as a a employee no ownership of a business is needed
Self Employed: Own a minimum of 1 business with active inventory token on the business
Business Manager: Own a minimum of 1 color set with at least 1 worker on each business under that color set
Investor: Own a minimum of 1 color set with a Business Manager on each business under that color set
Go from employee to investor by accomplishing the written goals under each quadrant on the board. Employee, Self Employed, Business Manager & Investor. Which one will you become?!
Quick Tips
Keep the game simple, don’t make your own rules!
Never loan money to other players or make deals not to charge each other for landing on their business (no immunity).
Let’s WERK!